Refugee and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Nonresident Tuition Exemption
In 2017, the California Legislature also enacted Assembly Bill 343, 为逃离阿富汗的持特殊移民签证(siv)的难民提供新的非居民学费豁免, Iraq, Syria or other countries.
Effective January 1, 2018, Education Code section 68075.6 (1)在伊拉克受雇于美国政府或代表美国政府工作的伊拉克公民或国民(及其配偶和子女)免除非居民学费, and who meet certain criteria (Ed. Code, § 68075.6, subd. (b)(1); Public Law 110-181, § 1244); (2) translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces, and who meet certain criteria (Ed. Code, § 68075.6; Public Law 109-163, § 1059); and (3) refugees (Ed. Code, § 68075.6, subd. (b)(1), 8 U.S.C. § 1157). 这些豁免只适用于那些在进入美国后就在加州定居的人. (Ed. Code, § 68075.6, subd. (b)(1).) Students who settled elsewhere in the United States, 然后搬到加州就没有资格获得这项豁免,并且需要建立居留权或支付非居民学费. Under Education Code section 68122根据国会法案343的延期,美国、美国、美国签证持有者也可以免除非居民的学费.
议会法案343还规定,对学生的豁免仅适用于学生建立居住权所需的最长时间. (Ed. Code, § 68075.6, subd. (b)(1).) That time, and therefore any nonresident tuition exemption, 将在学生进入美国加州定居之日起一年内到期. (Ed. Code, § 68017.) Upon expiration of the nonresident tuition exemption, the student will either have established residency in California, or will have an intention to reside elsewhere, and be subject to nonresident tuition.
- 难民和特殊移民签证(SIV)非居民学费豁免申请可以在 Forms page.